In manus tuas

Concede nos famulos tuos, quesumus, domine deus, perpetua mentis et corporis salute gaudere: et gloriosa beate marie semper virginis intercessione a presenti liberari tristicia et futura perfrui leticia. Per eundem dominum nostrum ihesum xpistum filium tuum, qui tecum uiuit et regnat in unitate spiritus sancti deus per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.

Lord god we preien thee, graunte us thi seruauntis that we moun be ioiful euermore in heelthe of soule and of bodi, and that we moun be delyuered of this sorowe, that we han now: thourgh the instaunce of the glorious euerlastinge maide marie: and fulli use the ioye withouten ende. Bi oure lord iesu crist thi sone, that with thee lyueth and regneth in oonhede of the hooly goost god bi alle worldis of worldis. So be it.

--Little Office of the Virgin Mary, Use of Sarum, Collect for Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None & Vespers


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