Hot Button Issues, No. 2: Patriotism
Our current First Lady remembers the time when she first felt proud of her country . I remember the time when I first felt ashamed. It was my first term as a graduate student, when I was studying abroad in England. I had made friends with some of the senior graduate students, and we were at their house, putting coals on the fire in the fireplace (I remember this vividly; it was the first time that I had seen a coal fire). Something came on over the radio about the newly breaking scandal : certain Americans high up in the Reagan administration had been caught selling arms in exchange for hostages in Iran and then sending the money to Nicaragua in aid of the anti-Communist Contras. My friends erupted in disgust and smug criticism. One was English, one was Canadian, the third was American, but all were united in their conviction that America was evil and Americans even worse. The scandal (as they saw it) confirmed all of their worst suspicions about what America meant on the world