
Showing posts from 2021

Mask Addiction

  Admit it. You never want to take it off. Sure, sure, you have thought about it logically. You’ve read all the studies about how ineffective masks are  at preventing the spread of COVID (and anything else). You have even read some studies about how masks are positively harmful  (yes, it’s the same link—go, look; I’ll wait). You have had headaches for over a year; you notice that you can’t remember things as well as you (think you) used to—it’s hard to tell, memory being what it is. You’ve noticed yourself falling asleep from lack of oxygen, and you have a cough that you just can’t shake. Your friends call it “long COVID,” but you never got COVID, as far as you know. You have, however, had a bacterial infection that left festering sores around your mouth, but that wasn’t COVID; just think how bad things might have been if you had gotten COVID, too! You notice that you have a hard time interacting with people in public—everyone seems so distant and confused—but, again, it’s logical. The

Merry Christmas!

  “We sing a tale of bears who sought a gem, a pirates’ treasure lost for centuries. Three brown and one translucent bear left home to sail to where the ice wall meets the sea. An albatross bore messages of hope. A panda bear needs rescue from the seals! The penguins guard the treasure in the ice, a gemstone of the heavens, without price.” Poetry lovers and bears of all ages, don’t miss the boat!  Join Ulfie and his gang  on their quest for the Light ! Check out Storytime for a glimpse behind the scenes of HandDrawnBear’s sketches! Visit our Shop for  links to booksellers.

“And thus with rhymes we now begin our tale!"

What do four bears in a boat have to do with the four senses of Scripture? You won’t want to miss this conversation with Marc Tuttle about medieval aesthetics and the magic of polar bears! Listen on Catholic Radio Indy Podcasts. And now that you’re intrigued, join me for a reading of “Act I: The Net”! Watch on my YouTube channel or on our Dragon Common Room website . Ready to set sail and seek the polar lights down South? Buy Aurora Bearialis now at these fine booksellers ! For the continuing adventures of the Dragons of my Telegram chat , join us weekdays at 6pmCST for TeaTime. Backstory at the Dragon Common Room . Reading recommendations in Dragons’ Keep .

Aurora Bearialis

The Dragon Common Room is pleased to announce the publication of Aurora Bearialis , with illustrations by HandDrawnBear. Join the bears this Christmas as they journey south in quest of the Light. SNEAK PEAK ON OUR WEBSITE, WITH LINKS IN THE SHOP WHERE TO BUY: Available in both hardcover and ebook. As promised in The Great Bear Tale .

Our Lady of the Dynamo

A meditation on the timing of the dogmatic declaration of the Immaculate Conception (1854), with glosses on the media by Marshall McLuhan “Effects are perceived, whereas causes are conceived.”  At length, on the distant horizon, rises, with a soft and radiant light, the aurora of the Sun which has been so long desired. The happy Mother of the Messias was to be born before the Messias himself; and this is the day of the Conception of Mary. The earth already possesses a first pledge of the divine mercy; the Son of Man is near at hand. Two true Israelites, Joachim and Anne, noble branches of the family of David, find their union, after a long barrenness, made fruitful by the divine omnipotence. Glory be to God, who has been mindful of his promises, and who deigns to announce, from the high heavens, the end of the deluge of iniquity, by sending upon the earth the sweet white Dove that bears the tidings of peace! — Dom Prosper Guéranger, The Liturgical Year , vol. 1: Advent, December 8 “Whe

Notes from the Electric Underground: A Mosaic

“For the oral man the literal text contains all possible levels of meaning.” —Marshall McLuhan Follow the further adventures of the dragons on Telegram — join my channel and surf the Light! For Milo’s reading of the Psalms , visit the Church Militant shop . If you haven’t guessed, I’ve been reading a lot of Marshall McLuhan to prepare for our journey into the City of the Dragon. Highly recommended for those who feel like their nerves have been stripped raw by the electric web.

Milo Electric

The poets of the Dragon Common Room have a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT coming up.  In the meantime, we have been training for our next big adventure, a fairy story about alchemy and a dragon to be written in Spenserian stanzas .  Think The Faerie Queene meets Roger Bacon’s New Atlantis .  With spice.  And electricity.  All themes which came together recently when Milo learned to walk barefoot on the grass ... 1 Like Moses in the presence of the Lord,  ex-gay, he shed his shoes on holy ground. He flexed his toes and raised his arms, adored  by minions watching on his Telegram. Electrified by pixels in the cloud the ions of his body shed their charge, and all the negativity around his holy dance was suddenly discharged, while angels watched from heaven, now by joy enlarged. 2 He walked at night while barefoot on the green;  a swish of robe, Bermudas, orange, glowed, and spinning like a runway model seen  on catwalks where designers often show,  he soaked up earth’s electric ion flow.  The ingenue

UATV Subscription 2.0

We have a new and improved subscription portal at !  Vox Day has details on his blog , if you have any questions about how the upgrade is going to work. If you are already a subscriber (and eagerly awaiting the next episode of The Forge of Tolkien ), you will want to update your subscription to support my channel, but as with the original subscription programs, you will get access to all the channels on, whichever content provider you choose to support through your subscription.  The good news is you will be able to see all the episode thumbnails on the platform before logging in, along with blurbs, for all of the channels. Vox and Owen have already been doing livestreams from the platform, which feature should be available soon for the other content providers (including yours truly). The platform now also has the option to stream audio only, as well as to download MP4s and MP3s of your favorite episodes. If you have been a subscriber, we are grateful fo

A Connecticut Wizard in King George’s Court

It’s been haunting me. I knew I had read this story before, I just couldn’t put my finger on it... There was another thing that troubled me a little.   Those multitudes presently began to agitate for another miracle.   That was natural. To be able to carry back to their far homes the boast that they had seen the man who could command the sun, riding in the heavens, and be obeyed, would make them great in the eyes of their neighbors, and envied by them all; but to be able to also say they had seen him work a miracle themselves—why, people would come a distance to see them. The pressure got to be pretty strong... Next, Clarence found that old Merlin was making himself busy on the sly among those people.  He was spreading a report that I was a humbug, and that the reason I didn’t accommodate the people with a miracle was because I couldn’t . I saw that I must do something. I presently thought out a plan. By my authority as executive I threw Merlin into prison—the same cell I had occupied