How to Survive PRK
1. Buy lots and lots and lots of lubricating eye drops . You will be using more of these precious little bottles and vials than you have ever dreamed possible. Also, you will notice immediately if you run out, say, in the midst of a conference that you are attending. The drier your eyes get, the more you will ghost , so lubricate regularly! Systane Ultra Lubricant Eyedrops (High Performance) are quite comforting and seem to be better than some of the other brands and consistencies that I have tried. But be prepared to pay. These puppies aren't cheap. 2. Go to your one-week post-op check-up and talk with your doctor. Say things like, "I was planning on trying to give my eyes a rest today because I am worried about straining them." He will say things like, "Actually, I would prefer that you use your eyes ." Apparently, even though you can barely see past the ghosts to read, it is not in fact harmful to be trying to do so. Just set the resolution on y