Somewhere Under the Rainbow

PSA: Passing under a rainbow will make you trans. It’s true! I read it in a book about rainbows. I’ll give you the full passage so we are both on the same page: In some folklore, the rainbow’s most prominent sexual trait is its ability to change people’s gender. For Bohemian girls younger than seven years old, passing beneath the rainbow is a transsexual experience. Hungarians are less restrictive and believe that sex changes happen to anyone who passes through the arch. Serbian, French, and Albanian folklore all give the rainbow transsexual power over humans (and sometimes animals). Two Ohioans recently [1981] offered different accounts of rainbow-driven sex changes. The Chinese I Ching (twelfth century B.C.) hints at the sexual mutability of the rainbow when it says “The rainbow is the combination of yin and yang,” the complementary female and male opposites contained in all life. The seemingly strange optics of real rainbows probably prompts such beliefs. You don’t say. ...