Wisdom and Folly at the Forge of Tolkien (plus Milo!)

It’s been a busy month! The Dragons have completed writing four of the five Quests in our “Centrism Game” (a.k.a. “ Dunciad 2020 ”). I have been reading in preparation for future videos with OBS and EMJ . And I have been recording new episodes of “ The Forge of Tolkien ” each week. If that isn’t enough gravy (hi, Bears!), have I got some tasty biscuits for you! 1. The Wisdom and Folly of King Solomon and Joe Long Poet and raconteur Joe Long joined me to talk about Wisdom and Folly: A Book of Devotional Doggerel (Covenant Books, 2020). Wisdom and Folly is a book of Scripture-inspired light verse meant to instruct and amuse. These sixty poems draw upon Old Testament verses to reflect upon our contemporary scene. They may make you chuckle, groan, or sigh, but they’ll also make you think. We chuckled! We groaned! We sighed! And in the process we had a great conversation about the importance of poetry for training the soul to shun Folly and pursue Wisdom. 2. T...