Wisdom and Folly at the Forge of Tolkien (plus Milo!)

 It’s been a busy month! The Dragons have completed writing four of the five Quests in our “Centrism Game” (a.k.a. “Dunciad 2020”). I have been reading in preparation for future videos with OBS and EMJ. And I have been recording new episodes of “The Forge of Tolkien” each week. If that isn’t enough gravy (hi, Bears!), have I got some tasty biscuits for you!

1. The Wisdom and Folly of King Solomon and Joe Long

Poet and raconteur Joe Long joined me to talk about Wisdom and Folly: A Book of Devotional Doggerel (Covenant Books, 2020).

Wisdom and Folly is a book of Scripture-inspired light verse meant to instruct and amuse. These sixty poems draw upon Old Testament verses to reflect upon our contemporary scene. They may make you chuckle, groan, or sigh, but they’ll also make you think.

We chuckled! We groaned! We sighed! And in the process we had a great conversation about the importance of poetry for training the soul to shun Folly and pursue Wisdom.

2. The Forge of Tolkien: An Interview with Rachel Fulton Brown (Plus: Learn about Milo Yiannopoulos)

Tolkien and zombies and vampires—oh, my! I joined Pr. C. R. Wiley, Dr. Thomas Price, and Dr. Glenn Sunshine on The Theology Pugcast to talk about how Milo and I met Chris at the Touchstone Conference in 2018 and what Tolkien taught me about sub creation. In the process, we learn about what Tom Bombadil has to do with baptism and where inspiration comes from. Oh, yes, and what zombies have to do with the culture wars.

3. The Lord of the Rings and Medieval History

Michael Sisco had some more questions about Tolkien and how reading Tolkien inspired me to become a medieval historian. And, yes, we talked about Tom Bombadil! 

Let’s Get Medieval!

And for dessert, some fan mail! Professor Bruce Gilley has a few words about an essay I wrote for the National Association of Scholars on making art—and academia—medieval again!

For a complete list of my videos, podcasts, and radio appearances, see Bear On Air.


  1. hello,
    i was intending to do your medieval course on unauthorized but it seems it no longer exists there.
    is their any way i can get hold of episodes? happy to pay

    1. It is still there, you just need to login to the main platform at uatv.infogalactic.com. You will need an access code to get in there. If you don't have one, email Vox Day (voxday@gmail.com).

    2. It doesn't show your page or course though. i'm probably doing something wrong.

    3. It's there. The Medieval History videos are on History and Logos, maybe that is why you don't think you see it?

    4. When i go to the subscribe page, what plan should i choose? I don't see yours.

    5. Choose “The Forge of Tolkien”! You will get access to all my videos, not just the Tolkien series.

  2. Replies
    1. I just checked all the links, they work.

    2. haha...that worked...my frustration with UATV talking. No idea what happened to the post where I'm requesting help/contact info for my account. I'm subscribed. I've paid. I've never received a confirmation email (not in my junk mail). There doesn't seem to be any way to contact anyone. I've tried several email addresses but no responses. Any suggestions?

  3. I subscribed last week to Forge but never got the confirmation email. I'm unable to log in (says my email is invalid) and I'm unable to try it again (because when I click Subscribe it shows I'm already a subscriber). I need someone to resend the confirmation email. So far, no emails (info@infogalatic, unauthorizedtv@ infogalatic, UATV@inforgalatic...) I've tried have garnered a response. Any suggestions? Thanks!

    1. Write Vox Day: voxday@gmail.com

      Let him know you want to watch Forge!

  4. Hooray! My code finally came!!! Thank you so much if that was your doing!


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