Gratitude and the Fellowship of the Sword

You may remember that I quit this sport . Well, on Friday this past week, in Dallas at the USFA Summer National Championships, I finished 5th in Veteran Women's 50-59 Foil, which with my other two results from this competition year (6th-place Finalist at the December 2015 NAC in Baltimore, and Silver Medalist at the April 2016 NAC in Richmond), enabled me to qualify as a member of the USA Foil Team for the 2016 Veteran World Championships this October in Germany. I'll wait for you to get up from off the floor. Laughter is always good medicine. I should probably write some more about how I came back from quitting and what it has been like since I did. But for now, I need to say, "Thank you." Success is not something that happens without friends. I had no idea when I started fencing thirteen years ago more or less to the day that this journey would be as challenging as it has been. I would not be the fencer I am now without years and years of others' love an...