Plays Well with Others
This is not something, I suspect, that any of my teachers would ever have said of me when I was growing up. I cordially despise all team sports, particularly those involving chasing a ball around a large field; I feel awkward and uncomfortable at the thought of most large parties; I'm not terribly good at sharing my work, even now with Prof. Boice's advice to spend as much time socializing around writing as one does writing. But there is one thing that I always, always, always wanted to do when I was growing up and somehow never had the chance to try: play music with other musicians. Sure, there were one or two times when I was somehow co-opted into providing a piano accompaniment for someone else's singing (e.g. once at church for the littler kids), but they were absolute disasters. I didn't want to be leading the music, to be responsible for providing the tune; I wanted (I now realize) to be singing along. Which one can't when playing the piano, at least not