Prayers of the People

St. Paul & the Redeemer Episcopal Church
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Year A, Proper 19, RCL
Genesis 50:15-21
Psalm 103:8-13
Romans 14:1-12
Matthew 18:21-35

Written by Rachel Fulton Brown

Lord, to whom alone all your children are accountable, bless us as we stand before you remembering those who died ten years ago today, those who mourn and those who still hunger for justice to be done.  Teach us to welcome all those who come to us seeking you and to have patience with those who are in our debt, that we may live and die not to ourselves, but to you.  Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Lord, bless our nation and all the nations of the world, that we may learn to see your face reflected in both our differences and our similarities.  Teach us to live in harmony with each other, however much our worship of you and our reverence for your creation may differ from one country or culture to the next.  Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Lord, bless all those seeking work to support themselves and their families, and all those struggling to sustain themselves through the work that they do have.  Teach us to live wisely in your world, to use rather than abuse its gifts of water, food and energy, that all your creatures may enjoy sacred and fulfilling lives.  Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Lord, bless our parish as we reach out to each other and our community in pledging ourselves to the ministries of your church.  Help us to recognize the ways in which we may best serve our brothers and sisters, our children, our neighbors and your liturgy, whether actively or in our prayers.  Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Lord, bless all those who suffer in body, mind or spirit, especially….  Comfort and keep them as they look to you for help.  Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Lord, bless all those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this week, especially….  Rejoice with them as they give thanks to you for the blessings of their life.  Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Lord, bless all those who have died in the hope of the resurrection, and all the departed, especially….   Be with them as they look forward to your kingdom.  Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

You are invited to offer your own prayers and thanksgivings, ending each with “Lord, in your mercy.”

Lord, you who are full of compassion and mercy, you taught us to forgive each other seventy times seven, leaving judgment only to you.  Help us to be generous to each other and welcoming from our heart of all our brothers and sisters in your world.  Be with us and bless us this day and all days, forgiving, healing, redeeming and crowning us all as your children.  Through the one who lived, died and rose again that he might be Lord of both the living and the dead, Amen.


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