Mary as Stumbling Block—Holy Smokes!

Thanks to Dustin Quick for having me on his new podcast to talk about Mary!

Holy Smokes: Cigars, Catholicism, and Conversation Episode 5 Part 1

Dr Rachel Fulton Brown joins me to talk about “Mary as Stumbling Block.” Why is the Virgin Mary so important? How were ancient and Medieval Christians able to find Mary in the Old Testament, as they did with Christ; and how do those views stand in contrast to some of the more hostile, modern views of her?  
Make sure you stay tuned for Part 2, where we will go into greater detail about the link between Temple Theology and Catholic Mariology!  
Happy Feast of the Queenship/Immaculate Heart of Mary! Most Holy Theotokos, save us!

For a complete list of my video, radio, and podcast appearances, see Bear On Air.


  1. It was an absolute delight, Rachel! Thank you so much!


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