Cosmic Egg

The Trinity in the Unity, and The Cosmic Egg
Hildegard of Bingen, Scivias, II.ii and I.iii
Rüdesheim/Eibingen, Benediktinerinnenabtei St. Hildegard, MS 1, fols. 47r and 14r

Act I, scene i 

A band of crystal lit with heaven’s fire
burst o’er the earth and flashed across the plain,
reverberating through the raining pyre
of stories sung in cities built by Cain.
A pinioned cloud danced rings around the flame,
its cooing harmonized with chords of grace.
A deep base note encoded love reclaimed
from kingdom’s fall of mankind’s ancient race.
The resonating wings revealed a clouded face.
The pigeon ether undulated free,
an orchestra of feathers white as frost.
The wingéd loom descended on the sea;
from light it spun a subatomic cross.
Bright feathers knit atomic Helios,
while oscillating sparks set fire to quills.
Reverberating wings turned light to dust.
The looming man from loom that seemed to trill
emerged in flesh from cloud of sapphire-blue beryl.
The chorus swelled; the man stepped onto land,
from clouds delivered to the darkened shore.
He stood there naked, looking at the sand;
his face shone bright like heated iron ore.
White strands of hair presaged the coming war,
while from his lips came songs in ancient tongue
not heard since towers fell to angels’ lore.
He took a breath like snakes soak up the sun;
his voice like thunder rolling o’r the waves, he sung:
“I loved you from the first glance of your eye;
your garden was a paradise of doves.
I came into my kingdom from the sky
because you left me languishing with love.
I called you to my wrist, my falcon’s glove,
and promised I would warm you at my breast
with aromatic spices from above.
The winter now has gone, the rain has passed;
arise, make haste, my love, my dove, my one most blessed.”

Pigeon Cloud
Draco Alchemicus
Act I: The Casino

Enter the Myth. Drink the Spice. Learn to scan.


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