Excuses, Excuses

Things distracting me from blogging these past several days:
  • Listening to Marilynne Robinson's Gilead (2004) while driving to (in traffic) and from (in the rain, at least on Tuesday) my athletic club
  • Going to yoga class (Tuesday and Thursday, not just Saturday as usual; Thursday we were on the roof!)
  • Going to fencing practice (Tuesday and Thursday, as usual)
  • Buying my son (age 13) his own cell phone so that I can call him when he is at camp
  • Leading a discussion with members of my parish about our search for a new rector
  • Proofreading an article about Anselm of Canterbury and his prayers to the saints (hint: it's about God)
  • Talking with my sister on the phone
  • Meeting Philippe Omnès, the 1992 Olympic Gold Medalist in Men's Foil
  • Reading Douglas Wolk's Reading Comics: How Graphic Novels Work and What They Mean (2007)
  • Learning about (real) pirates at the Field Museum
  • Taking photos for my next comic (coming soon, if I can just figure out the argument)
  • Watching (and enjoying) Slumdog Millionaire (2008) (especially the way in which the answers to the questions on the game show structure the narrative)
  • Trying not to think about what the next chapter in my book is about
  • Listening to the rain


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