Rachel Fulton Brown 101

This is quite possibly the best interview I have ever done, if you would like an introduction to my scholarship. Many thanks to R.C. Apologist and Aeveirra Nova for the opportunity to talk about my work—on R.C.’s birthday, no less! The Q&A was especially challenging. Listen at R.C. Apologist!

For a complete list of my videos, podcasts, and radio appearances, see Bear On Air.


  1. Hi Rachel, I look forward to listening to this later. I wondered if you'd seen this post making the rounds on twitter by a Baylor PhD student: https://mobile.twitter.com/gerhardstuebben/status/1258433215615963136
    Having an advanced degree in Church history I understand, though largely disagree with, his attempt at nuance in this interpretation. However, I'd be curious to know your thoughts/response, since, given your specialization as an medievalist and convert from Presbyterianism, you are uniquely situated to provide comment.

    1. For a Protestant, he seems to have little room for faith.


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