Big Bear and the Trinitarians

It was just supposed to be an interview...

A conversation between brothers who have both been on the front lines of the culture war.

But then came the quiz...

...with all the answers tending towards one sacred number.

At which point the true purpose of the meeting was made clear.

“This isn’t an interview.”

“This is an intervention.”

Milo invites three Catholic intellectuals into a livestream with the Big Bear to talk about the Trinity.

Who walks out first?!

For wisdom is more active than all active things; and reacheth everywhere, by reason of her purity. 

For she is a vapour of the power of God, and a certain pure emmanation of the glory of the Almighty God: and therefore no defiled thing cometh into her.

For she is the brightness of eternal light, and the unspotted mirror of God's majesty, and the image of his goodness.

—Wisdom of Solomon 7:24-26

And the moral of the story is...?

You decide!

Preview on YouTube

Full episode on Friday Night’s All Right at Censored.TV subscribers can watch on Big Bear’s Bonus Streams

Owen’s afterparty

The players:

Owen Benjamin, homesteader
Milo Yiannopoulos, ex-gay
Rachel Fulton Brown, historian
E. Michael Jones, culture warrior
Patrick Coffin, magician

For a complete list of my podcast, video, and radio appearances, visit Bear On Air.
For more on Tolkien as storyteller, visit the Forge of Tolkien at


  1. I was so pleased to see such an amazing assembly of friends. I look forward to watching in the coming weeks.

  2. So you did an intervention on the guy whose following you named yourself & your website after? Sure you're not just in love?

    1. All this comment shows is that you have not been following either Owen or me with sufficient attention to appreciate that this blog is far older than Owen's online presence as Big Bear.

  3. This episode was great! So warm and fun. I loved seeing such an assemblage of fellow travelers exhorting their brother and discussing with him the mysteries of the Trinity.

  4. This was an awesome show. All of the questions the guests had and their own personal stories were very interesting and sincere. Milo, as always, was hilarious and I thought Owen Benjamin took it well enough. He could have gotten angry and stormed off looking at this as an ambush rather an (as Milo termed it) an "intervention" but he didn't. He was very gracious. Patrick Coffin was a surprise for me. I previously watched his 4 hour long interview with Milo. Coffin is an underrated comedian; great sense of humor but also very passionate when he speaks. I highly recommend watching this.

    1. "Owen Benjamin took it well enough." No. No he didn't. Only to their faces he was all laughs and smiley, his livestreams after showed a different story. They were akin to a temper tantrum.

  5. You cannot just walk away from this interview, and as Milo stated it's not a done think but a start of a ... we will know in time.

  6. Rachel -

    Any thoughts on Owen avoiding answering E. Michael Jones question about Owen describing the Holy Trinity as a gay sex act?

    1. I would prefer to talk with Owen directly than to speculate behind his back.

    2. It’s not as though there isn’t an extensive record of him repeatedly saying this. He’s already spoken, so no need to ‘talk’....

  7. I don't know if blogspot allows links so I have produced a transcript of one of Owen's responses on his instagram streams. It is a quite the rant (or tantrum) and drastically different from his demeanour with the 3 of you in the intervention. I have censored all profanity. It would be great to hear your response to this vitriol displayed here. Apparently Owen has a track record for being all laughing and smiles to peoples faces like Joe Rogan only to turn on them when he's all comfortable in his echo chamber. Anyway, without further ado......(I will have to post in parts as blog spot only allows approx 4000 characters)

    Part 1

    "Here's the thing; I've never talked sh*t about E Michael Jones at all out of respect for him, but if you're going to be in a little
    hyena trap i'm gonna tell you what I think now. If you're gonna try and and hyena trap me, when I trust that I'm just having a
    conversation, it's like okay, well i think catholics and the jews are in a sadomasochistic bond together where the catholic is on
    the pedestal saying you need us to get to God.

    The jew is in the pit saying everyone's attacking me and they've been in a dysfunctional marriage for f***ing a thousand years
    and they need each other to complete the battery circuit. So every time E Michael Jones talks about the jew he's talking about his f***ing bride. That's the reality. Because the catholic, the pompous c*nts that they are, they say only on the rock of Peter will you go to heaven through our cardinals and bishops and nonsense.

    If E Michael Jones wants to act like a pharisee I will respond okay, and he said that the catholic church, civilized Germany; that they were chasing pigs through the black forest before the catholics came. Well how did the catholics civilize Africa? Did they do a good job down there? No. Maybe a little different; maybe a little different racially, and also what about when alaric took Rome so the visigoths, ostrogoss, vandals, huns, they were all just just nonsense chasing pigs in the f****ng forest. I don't think so Jonesy! I don't think the catholics are why the Germans figured out engineering. You're on f****ng crack! When alaric and his sweet moustache took Rome
    in the, in uh 400, early 400s, the catholics are one of the largest landowners in the world; they call their leaders father, they have no children.

    They're opulent; they're obsessed with gold and pearls and bulls*it. You know they hide sex abuse, they lie, they're a power political structure, the vatican is to christianity what zionism and Israel is to judaism. It's the political arm of a spirituality; it takes away everything good of christianity and makes it sterile, without the jew there is no catholic, without the catholic there's no jew. In their battery it's a self-hating dominant sub f****ng whipping boy bulls*it.

    So if you want to jump me and tell me how I need to live my life; how me, with my 5….I have hundreds of animals I have to take care of every day, three little children, several businesses,my own social media app, my own media company, I have to do all this s*it every day, yet I have to sit and listen to these bald-faced lesbians in their little city cubicles tell me how I need to live my life better."

    1. PS, Do you have any deep and meaningful friendships? E. Michael, FencingBear, and Milo arent going to be butt hurt by Owen's follow up stream. He hits hard because it's often effective, to the point, powerful and funny. People disagree. And friends don't need to beat around the bush and disagree softly. You disagree in a big way so you get to the heart of the matter more quickly, thus learning from each other. This is often how deep and meaningful friendships are welded, not broken. I'm lucky enough to have a brother and several friends that I can debate with and hold no punches. What a joy and gift. And what a nightmare of a social existence I would have if this weren't the case. (And of course Owen is going to have a different tone on his solo monologue live stream than he is in front of a shorter interview format with several guests whose time he values. Why is this shocking to no one but you?)

    2. Chuckhough, I never claimed they were, the only one "butt" hurt is Owen. You make some good points to how most people interact re disagreements. The problem with Owen however is this isn't how he interacts. How long and often have you been watching Owen?

      Back in 2018 he was very good friends with Joe Rogan or so he claimed. In the last livestream he had with Rogan, Rogan called him out on some issues he had with Owen. In 3hrs Owen had the opportunity to speak up to Joe and tell him what he thought of Joe's opinion. Instead he was all laughing, smiling, agreeing with Rogan's points etc. Then on his own livestreams, he rants like a raving lunatic for hours. Rogan reaches out to Owen, Owen apologises, only to then go on spiralling uncontrollably for months and month of insults re Rogan. Suffice to say, they are no longer talking.

      Owen was also very close to Steven Crowder. He even attributes Crowder for his turning to Christ. He claimed many times he could never turn on Crowder. Guess what he turns on Crowder, Crowder reaches out to him, Owen apologises to Crowder, then spirals on Crowder like a raving lunatic. Suffice to say, they are no longer talking.

      Then you have Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, Alex Jones, Nick Fuentes etc etc, the exact same pattern. Owen constantly turns on people behind their back. He can't debate or argue with anyone who is remotely critical of him face to face. He will be all smiles to their faces, and then he'll turn with his tail between his legs and run back to his comfort zone, and start ranting and screaming in a uncontrollable fit about them for hours and hours about them.

      And this is what is happening here. Intervention all smiles, feigns agreement, Lies to E Michael Jones re trinity, no pushback whatsoever, then he gets in a tantrum on his own live stream.

      It's not Owen's tone, it's his whole *demeanour* that changes. I am not shocked, I fully expected this, and Owen delivered as the same pattern continues. I am also far from the only one. Milo once said he was highly disturbed with the streams produced by Owen in a interview he had with Dr Michael Brown. It can be found on youtube. Fencing Bear recently had a live discussion with The Kurgan who at one point liked Owen. Why don't you find out the Kurgan's thoughts on Owen? They're not much different to mine here.

      There are forums, and videos that are actively documenting these events. If you are someone who hasn't been watching these events I understand you may not fully grasp what I am saying here. If you are interested I can point you to some documentaries and forums that have been covering this?

    3. PS, If Owen is hurt, he will work it out with his friends. It is none of your concern. Stop meddling.

    4. Chery Dear; My conversation with chuckhough is none of your concern. Stop meddling.


    5. Cheryl: *PS, Stop talking smack about the Professor's colleague and friend. You're meddling in other people's friendships.*

      PS: *Stop meddling Cheryl. I can suggest to Chuck and to everyone here, whatever I want about Owen. I can walltext, suggest documentaries, provide transcripts that aren't really transcripts, and when the Professor doesn't like it on her blog, I can argue with her. Because, muh, I have Scripture to back me up!*

    6. PS, you're just referenced a whole bunch of conversations and friendships that none of us were there for or partook in. You've seen what? A teeny tiny fraction of all the conversations between these people, and you've also only partaken in eavesdropping on the public conversations, which are very different than private ones. But, you know. You know what their friendships were like, and what they talked about, and how everything went down. What a keen and intelligent boy you are. Please do indulge on a cookie.

  8. Part 2 of Transcript

    "What have they ever had? Milk…that they've milked ever in their life one time? No. They don't know anything about nature. They want to tell me about the number three in nature. How does every animal have four legs Jones? So when the catholic church hit africa why do huge parts of africa, why are they still eating their own sh*t? Maybe the factor wasn't catholicism, maybe a lot of it had to do with history, culture, people, race. right ? it's ridiculous! Jones thinks that America just needs to be catholic and that's how we'll get our nationalism back. It has nothing to do with, you know; the people, the blood, the history. No; it's just catholicism bullsh*t and f****ng the
    trinity, the three-headed God monster.

    Go play dungeons and dragons gay guy, because that's what that is, that's what that is, money does not… the sale of indulgences is why uh, Martin luther broke away from the catholic church. He wasn't a...because he's a pimp and a looting operation, it was because you motherf***ers were charging people money to go to heaven. Okay, Martin luther may have a lot of problems and I don't, I'm not backing Martin Luther, but the catholic church is so full of sh*t.

    The catholic church kept the people illiterate, so that a bunch of blind pedophile monks could tell them what the book said. Well guess what? I can read the book now and the word trinity doesn't exist in the book! Jesus Christ over and over again said he was not God; that he was here to do the bidding of his father, not to honor him, but to honor God the father who honors us. He prayed in the garden to his own…to God. He didn't pray to himself. Are you f****ng r*tarded?

    The mental gymnastics you have to do to think Jesus Christ is his own creator is mind blowing; and the reason they get you to do that is because once you submit against your own logic and reason they own your ass, and Milo can tell you about owning an ass right? They pump it, they lick it, they f**k it, they own your ass! That's such a thug thing to do charging into heaven, it's bulls*it dude. Just admit it; just admit your a protection racket Jonesy; admit that the catholic church is no different than the f****ng… some of the Italian families in New York City, or the black panthers you... you pay a protection racket so that no one breaks your windows.

    That's what you are, that's what the catholic church is, it's thugs! It's motherf****ng thugs that want to charge protection money and they say it's about God and Jesus. They hold Jesus on the crucifix on their staff, to let mother***ers know what happened to the last motherf***er who came up against them. The roman senate doors are now at the the doors of the Vatican; that's making a statement ain't that right Jonesy? Right. You know this. I know this, we all know this.

    It's a thug ass mafia protection racket and you need me to say three to one, one two three, t e he t e he, or else then you know that this n*gger can think for himself right? And that's the problem because commandment one, there's one God. One you can't kill God so now you're going to play an s & m little sex game for 2000 years about how the jew killed God but then God came back and now you hate the jew, and the jews is trying….. it's f****ng sexual and it's disgusting."

  9. Part 3 of transcript. If you want a link to the video please let me know.

    "*Reads comment “I went to catholic school all my life this is hard to hear but necessary”

    It's a fact, like everyone keeps….like people say to me read the bible, the trinity is all over the bible, no the f**k it isn't. Jesus christ rejects being called a living God many times. One God! How do you go to heaven and sit at the right hand of yourself? Who is God? Well Jesus was dead for three days. It's so stupid! It's not stupid though when you understand why they do that, because they are a protection racket of thugs. And you want to ambush me?

    Listen! A little pack of hyenas if you're gonna ambush a grizzly bear you best not miss, you best bite firm, and you didn't bite firm enough and now everybody knows that what you believe is f****ng stupid. And yeah; you're gonna get all these people saying yeah, do as thou wilt do, as thou will we're all sinners, we're all sinners… f****ng try to not be a sinner how's that sound?

    They want to excuse their sin.. ..yeah…when they….. it's a death cult. They look at Jesus is on the cross and they say he died for me, it's just like the baby boomer said oh these soldiers fight for my freedom, they fight so I can have my money! No they fight because a lot of them are in debt, a lot of them were tricked, a lot of them are scared, they fight for the men next to them in those holes. Not for you baby boomer. Jesus didn't die so you can jerk off; Jesus on that cross isn't forgiving your sinful sh*t lying life, just take your three-headed Godhead and be honest.

    You're a pagan; you're a pagan! You're a f****ng heathen and that's fine. I have many friends that are heathens. Do I preach to them and tell them why they're wrong? No, I love them. They know how to make batteries; they know you're a battery b*tch! Heathens know that the catholic and the jew make a battery, the pit and the pedestal only through us the richest mother***ers in this land can you go to heaven, and the jew says ah we're hated, everyone's trying to hurt me, and together you're making energy aren't you? But that battery is fading because logos is rising, not in the way you think it is though, not the way you think it is, the catholic power ain't coming back!

    People are on to you motherf***er! Because the inner…the information age is upon us. People can do their own research; you don't need a blind f****ng priest that wants to jerk you off on a trip. We don't need that guy to tell me who Jesus Christ is! Jesus Christ is in our hearts! His life is written on our hearts. God is in our life every day and we don't need you to interpret this sh*t to me okay; and so yeah these motherf***ers want to come to me and tell me why I'm not right! Why don't you listen to me b*tch? If you don't have your own food, if you don't have your own protection, if you don't have your neighbors loving your neighbors, how many of these motherf***ers can even name their neighbors? What are your neighbors names Milo? I bet it switches every time you go to a new hotel and get f***ed in your ass!

    That's reality! You want to talk to me about the trinity anymore, I’m going to tell you straight up what I think! You hide behind the number three so you can sin. Yeah; we all sin and work on it, these people don't even work on it, they say yeah this is who I am, you know it's all good Jesus died for me. Jesus didn't die for you! Jesus didn't die for you you selfish little c*nt!"

  10. Owen puts his name, reputation, and history out in public for all to see. Who are you, P.S.?

  11. Replies
    1. I think Owen is making a public confession of his beliefs, and you are hiding behind your anonymity.

    2. Whoops! I got lost in the reply threads. In any case, if you scroll up, I already answered your question in response to Gray Man. Why do you assume I have to answer you here in order to be in conversation with Owen? You seem to NEED me to talk to YOU.

    3. “Why do you assume I have to answer you here in order to be in conversation with Owen?”

      *Face Palm* Professor Brown, author and academic, Let’s go through the first comment I made to you.


      “I don't know if blogspot allows links so I have produced a transcript of one of Owen's responses on his instagram streams. It is a quite the rant (or tantrum) and drastically different from his demeanour with the 3 of you in the intervention. I have censored all profanity. It would be great to hear your response to this vitriol displayed here.”

      You have completely misunderstood my last sentence HERE Professor Brown -

      “It would be great to hear your response to this vitriol displayed HERE.”

      You think I meant “It would be great to hear your response to this vitriol displayed HERE” on your blog right? You the author and in Chery’s words the high profile academic who dissects Tolkein, fail to understand a simple sentence like this?

      Actual meaning

      “It would be great to hear your response to this vitriol displayed HERE”………….by Owen in the transcript/livestream. Repeat, this vitriol displayed HERE by Owen. It's a really, really common phrase.

      I’m not saying you *have* to respond/answer me directly directly in this blog. You can address it however you like in whatever medium. I would actually prefer if you responded directly to Owen in conversation with him. But it’s your choice. As explained I thought the transcript/livestream of Owen’s public response to the intervention would be a matter of interest for you. As someone who is watching these public streams of course I’m going to be interested in your response, which would be great, but as discussed I've made it clear you have the choice on how/if you proceed.

      Do you understand now Professor Brown? If you want further clarification please let me know.

    4. Oh, good, I have a choice! I will continue to ignore your demands that I answer you “Now! Or we will all unsubscribe!”

    5. Nice Sophistry Professor Brown. Conflating my answer to your weird assumption/consumption statement is a nice deflection though. Well done.

  12. Ok so does Owen's public confessions of his beliefs promote the good, the and the beautiful? Or are you going to continue avoiding the question by asking who I am like it matters?

    'I'm just a nobody
    Trying to tell everybody
    All about Somebody
    Who saved my soul
    Ever since he rescued me
    he gave my heart a song to sing
    I'm living for the world to see
    Nobody but Jesus"

    - Casting Crowns

    1. It does matter—because you are giving Owen power by caring so much about his opinion. If you care about *my* opinion, you can read my books.

    2. “It does matter—because you are giving Owen power by caring so much about his opinion."
      Really? How so? Are you giving Owen Power by participating in this “intervention”? Are you giving power to Owen by evading difficult questions with non-answers?

      "If you care about *my* opinion, you can read my books.”
      I only care about your opinion in so far as this discussion, thank you, although I may look into your Tolkien posts, which sound interesting.

      Professor Brown, as you are someone who listens to Owen attentively, and under the impression that this “intervention” may be a ongoing thing, I thought you would be highly interested in Owen’s thoughts on the matter on the aftermath, hence the transcript.

      As you stated during the stream, he is your UATV platform mate, and as this platform is supposed to be about promoting “the good, the true and the beautiful” this may put you in a awkward position in calling out your friend hence the continued evasion. I do fail to understand however, how a catholic intellectual can be so apathetic to Owen’s obscene and highly grotesque content, which imo is highly disturbing. (and that’s not including the disgusting trinity metaphors he frequently does)

      I’m not looking to maliciously cast a wedge between your relationship with Owen and UATV, I don’t hate Owen. If he wasn’t claiming to be a Christian I wouldn’t be so concerned. But he does profess to be a Christian who has a following that hangs on his every word, who are akin to a cult, so he ought to be challenged. I commend you, Milo, and E Michael Jones for doing this intervention Fencing Bear, and you did it in the right spirit too, and I’m not looking for you to call Owen out for his issues in a uncivilized way that runs counter to your catholic beliefs.

      And I do wish you luck if this does turn out to be ongoing conversation with Owen. I do however expect it to fail given Owen’s track record. You know he claimed Steven Crowder bought him back to Christ around 2017/18, he claimed many times he could never turn on Crowder, yet he did precisely that. He turns on virtually everyone, but maybe it won’t happen to you and Milo, maybe this aftermath is a blip? I doubt it, but who knows?

      You now have the transcript of the aftermath. If you choose to remain apathetic that is your prerogative, but please don’t think you are fooling anyone with your good, true and beauty BS if you continue to share a platform with Owen and fail to challenge him in his conduct. And spare us the “he’s just a comedian” line. That ship sailed long ago.

  13. PS, God can defend himself. He doesn't need you to do it for him. Get your pride in check. Professor Brown, EMJ, Milo and the others are trying to leads Owen toward a greater understanding of God. They are aware of Owen's faults, they don't need you to point them out to them, as they are aware of his virtues too. What do you want Professor Brown to do? Forsake her friend because he is a sinner? Is that what Christ would do? What is the purpose of pointing out his sins? You are being Satan rn. Get behind her!

    1. Who sounds more like Satan? The professed Christian frequently saying the trinity is a metaphor for gay sex or the person who calls out the professed Christian who does this?

      “Professor Brown, EMJ, Milo and the others are trying to leads Owen toward a greater understanding of God.” That’s good. I commend them for doing this.

      “They are aware of Owen's faults, they don't need you to point them out to them, as they are aware of his virtues too.”

      I’m sure they are. I also doubt Professor Brown spends all her time watching hours and hours of Owen’s live streams. As no doubt how attentive she is I’m sure she misses a fair amount. That’s why I thought the transcript would be of interest to her if this is going to be a ongoing thing.

      “What do you want Professor Brown to do? Forsake her friend because he is a sinner? Is that what Christ would do? What is the purpose of pointing out his sins?”

      I just wanted to hear Professor Brown’s response to the transcript/livestream I posted. I assumed this would be a ongoing thing. Given the complete change in Owen’s attitude in comparison to the intervention I thought this would be a matter of interest for Professor Brown. I found Owen’s response to be appalling, but not unexpected as I’ve watched him on and off over the last couple of years, he has a track record of turning on people. I hope if it is ongoing Professor Brown will challenge Owen, but I have the feeling she won’t do this, which is of course her choice.

      And no I don’t want her to forsake her friend because he is a sinner? What kind of question is that? I would however question the status of Professor Brown’s friendship with Owen given his insulting remarks he made towards her, Milo and E Michael Jones. I mean, what kind of friend are you to be all smiles and laughing and fawning towards you to your face and then to go crying about it in the following streams? That’s not what I’d call a good friend. If Professor Brown is a truly good friend to Owen, she ought to challenge him on this.

      As for what Christ would do and the purpose of pointing out his sins I look to the scriptures –

      Galations 6: 1-2 “Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness.”

      Matthew 18:15-17 “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector."

      I believe Owen should be challenged in this spirit. Professor Brown ought to challenge him on these grounds. As this has become a public event via Milos censored stream, Owen’s livestream, and Fencing Bear’s blog, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask for her reaction to be made known public, but it’s her prerogative on how or if she proceeds in challenging Owen. If she fails to challenge this it’s not unreasonable to call her out on the hypocrisy of being a catholic intellectual who claims to promote the Good, true and beautiful, while at the same time sharing a platform with her “mate” who does the complete opposite.

    2. PS, Let me be frank with you, I have know the Professor for over a year and have give her my fair share of grief. She has the patience of Job. Do not mistake her patience for hypocrisy or tolerance. Owen cannot distract one iota from God's glory by what he says neither can Rachel add to it. All that counts in this venture is the salvation of Owen's soul. If Rachel proceeds too readily, too quickly, before God opens a door of opportunity, that door may shut forever. Owen has not sinned against you. This is none of your concern beyond praying for Owen. You do not know Owen or Rachel, but they know each other and Rachel knows the Lord. Trust that everything will work out in God's timing not yours, and stop demanding things of people who don't owe you anything.

    3. Cheryl you seem to be responding me in a state of defensiveness for Professor Brown. I really don't know what your problem is? Maybe you should read my comments again? I've made it clear Professor Brown can proceed if she chooses to however she wishes. I explained my motives for providing the transcript. I just encourage that Owen ought to be challenged.

      As for the hypocrisy charge, I stand by it 100% but she is by no means alone. Professor Brown claims to Promote The good, the beautiful and true. The UATV founder Ted Beale is a big advocate of the good, the true and the beautiful not just through this but with his publishing company Castalia House.

      So if someone subscribes to these platforms expecting wholesome content and tunes into Owen's stuff where he's ranting graphically about gay sex, drinking turpentine, and screaming profanities; if you're a normal person you're gonna be shocked right? It's blatant false advertising. It doesn't matter if Professor Brown is patient, as long as she remains apathetic and along with Ted Beale they continue to enable and give Owen a platform, no matter how you look at it, it's hypocritical.

      "This is none of your concern beyond praying for Owen."

      So tell me why my comments concern you Cheryl? What's the difference with my concern for this issue and your concern with my discussion with professor Brown? Are you hoping to score Brownie points with her or something? If this is none of my concern it's none of your concern too right?

      "stop demanding things of people who don't owe you anything."

      This sounds like a demand too Cheryl. So what do I owe you? Stop being hypocritical and defensive Cheryl. Relax; take a chill pill.

    4. PS, "I just encourage that Owen ought to be challenged.

      As for the hypocrisy charge, I stand by it 100% but she is by no means alone."

      Who are you that you can do this?
      You do not know Professor Brown, Owen or anyone else on these platforms, and this is her blog that you are ranting on. If you don't like what they say, move on. As for why I am concerned, I already told you, I am a friend. That you think someone can score points with her is offensive to her. Professor Brown cannot be bought and you are an a-hole for suggesting that she can be.

    5. "Who are you that you can do this?"

      That I can do what Cheryl? You are so dramatic, it’s almost endearing. It’s just a opinion from a concerned 3rd party. Calm down. The hypocrisy is also contingent and qualified. So chill.

      "You do not know Professor Brown, Owen or anyone else on these platforms, and this is her blog that you are ranting on."

      You have no idea what I know Cheryl. I am not ranting, I have been polite and Courteous to Professor Brown. I am being polite and courteous to you. You have called me a asshole and Satan, and seem under the impression you can tell me what to do. Sorry Cheryl. You can’t. Get over yourself.

      "If you don't like what they say, move on."

      Stop being hypocritical by making demands of me Cheryl. I don’t owe you anything right?

      With all due respect Cheryl, you strike me as one lousy friend. Perhaps you are right about Professor Brown’s patience. I suspect she needs it to tolerate the narcissistic tendencies that are showcased here.

      This is where I find the whole interaction here baffling. See; if was a good friend to Professor Brown, who enjoys reading/watching her content and if someone posted a comment that was related to the post topic I’d have a completely different reaction than this strange diatribe.

      If I watched the Owen Benjamin livestream, where they’re all smiles and laughing while discussing serious issues, like you I’d think that was great. But if it was brought to my attention by someone posting a transcript of a live stream where Owen calls Professor Brown a “bald faced lesbian” “a pack of hyenas” “pompous catholic C*nts” etc, as a friend I would be offended, shocked and appalled. You don't seem to care, which is weird, if you know your such a good friend.

      Now if it was me I would ask the person for the link of the livestream where the transcript was obtained to verify. If it was verified I would thank the person for bringing to my attention. I would then inform my good friend Professor Brown and advise that this needs to be addressed.

      Yet for some reason; You, the friend of professor Brown are more offended by me bringing this to her attention? Do you have a ulterior motive Cheryl? You’re not one Owen’s bear cultist’s along with being a Professor Brown sycophant? Conflict of interest perhaps?

      "That you think someone can score points with her is offensive to her. Professor Brown cannot be bought and you are an a-hole for suggesting that she can be."

      Are you such a close friend to professor that you deem yourself fit to deem what is offensive to her Cheryl? Wow, can you be any more narcissistic? Honestly, if didn’t know any better this is the type of answer I’d expect from a sock account, but I don’t believe Professor Brown could ever stoop to that right?

      I wasn’t suggesting she could be bought. I was asking why you are defending her? Sycophants/simps/brown nosers tend to do this. You seem to have this trait, albeit selectively as you don’t seem to care that Owen insults her so much? Do you have the same indignation and passion to confront him on behalf of your friend? I doubt it, but maybe I'm wrong?

      I’m not suggesting Professor Brown is falling for it tho. I do actually have some respect for her, which is why I bought this to her attention. I’m not making demands of her. I advised what I thought she should do and the potential consequences, but she can do as she wishes.

      Honestly, if Professor Brown just simply answered my question re the good, true and beautiful, rather than be all defensive and evasive, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. All she would have needed to is say something like “Thanks for bringing to my attnention. No of course it isn’t good, true and beautiful. Rest assured, I will look into it” and I’d have no problem with that and leave her in peace. Instead it’s “who are you, evade evade evade.” Ha ha. Still, I’ve enjoyed the discussion for my part. Even with you Cheryl. It’s been enlightening! I wish you both well for my part.

    6. Wow! Double wall! You should start your own blog... wait, you have a blog... which is empty.

    7. See above in previous thread. You have this odd assumption that my entire conversation with Owen is for YOUR consumption.

    8. PS: You are not in an advisory position. You do not know Professor Brown or do you? What is your real name? She is a Professor of a top tier university, with multiple online platforms. You come in, and say, 'Let me tell you about the crap your friend has been saying. Oh, don't get mad! I'm just telling you in case you don't know' This is gossip PS. How am I not suppose to call you Satan when anon-you are trying to whisper in high profile-her, ear? Satan has his 'proofs' too! That you are trying to bait me isn't going to work my guy. I don't need to defend her against Owen or even against you. I count myself blessed every day to be her aquaintance. She is a warrior and can handle herself perfect fine. If you have been following her for any length of time, you should know this.

    9. @Fencing Bear

      "You have this odd assumption that my entire conversation with Owen is for YOUR consumption."

      This is a really odd statement to make Professor Brown. Your entire conversation with Owen has been made public. People have paid to watch/consume your conversations with Owen. Your blog is a public forum. You as in UATV and your blog, Owen in his livestreams and UATV, Milo with Censored.TV are literally selling this conversation to the public! Owen’s response is in the public domain and on UATV, to be consumed by all who have an interest in this and are willing to pay. Your participation in this is of public interest.

      I understand your conversation and interaction with Owen is primarily for helping Owen’s understanding of the trinity, but please forgive us the people who have paid and watched these events for having the audacity to assume such a thing. How dare we? Would you like us all to unsubscribe Professor Brown?

    10. @Chery

      "This is gossip PS." Stop embarrassing yourself Cheryl. Look up the definition of the word. You are mistaken. Documenting a public event and sharing information to interested parties doesn't = gossip.

      "How am I not suppose to call you Satan when anon-you are trying to whisper in high profile-her, ear? Satan has his 'proofs' too! "

      It's quite easy Cheryl. How about show some christian charity and not be so self righteous and judgemental?

    11. Goodness! Even my Tolkien videos are only weekly! Your first lesson in virtue is patience.

    12. PS, Gossip is tattling. It doesn't need to be private. You said that Christ saved you, but you fail to show Owen the same patience and mercy Christ has shown you. Ask yourself, How long and how much did Christ put up with from me? How much does he put up with from me still?
      When Owen comes to a full knowledge of God (he will), the world has it on record, his denial. It will actually be to his glory, just like it was for St Paul. But you hide behind your anonymity. Owen is on a journey and you are kicking him while he is down. If you truly believe that you have Christ then pity him, don't get angry and don't ask Rachel to confront him or me to confront him on her behalf, as if we can circumnavigate God's work in him. Rachel will listen for God's instructions and I do not know Owen at all. You're asking for something that isn't possible and getting mad bc it isn't being done for you.

    13. PS: Professor Brown I thought you may be interested in this transcript
      Cheryl: How dare ye Gossip
      PS : Professor Brown if you fail to address this you may be seen to be hypocritical –
      Cheryl: How dare you say this to my bestie. I know her sooooooo well. She is sooo offended. Get behind thee Satan!

      Owen B: The trinity is a metaphor for gay sex and all Catholics are pompous C*nts.
      Cheryl: Oh Owen should be pitied and we should be soooooooooo patient.
      OwenB: Professor Brown is a bald faced lesbian, catholics are pompous c*nts, Milo is Gay for
      Jesus, and anyone who mentions the trinity is banned from talking to me.
      Cheryl: This is Gosssippp. Nothing to see here

      “Gossip is tattling. It doesn't need to be private.”

      Very true Cheryl, and it is something I do not endorse. It’s a pity you can’t discern the difference between gossip and sharing information, however. Perhaps you can suppress your ego, have some humility and do some research on the subject? We can’t know it all Chery dear.

      "You said that Christ saved you, but you fail to show Owen the same patience and mercy Christ has shown you. Ask yourself, How long and how much did Christ put up with from me? How much does he put up with from me still?"

      Cheryl. May I point you to the previous comments we heave engaged in. I said I do not hate nor am I angry with Owen. I also explained to you the kind of spirit in how I think he should be challenged. I even quoted St Paul and Christ in Matthew’s Gospel! Did you miss the comment Cheryl? Or are you being deliberately obtuse? Please look again.

      I never asked you to confront Owen on Rachel’s behalf Cheryl. I asked you why you are selective in your feelings of being offended on Rachel’s behalf. The blatant hypocrisy is there for all to see and the only comments that are showcasing anger are yours Cheryl dear.

    14. PS: See, this is why I am pointing out your pride and the fact that you are acting like a certain body part. Instead of humbling yourself and apologizing to Professor Brown in the beginning, you have stood your ground ON HER BLOG. If you were just offering info, you could just leave it and walk away. No. You are on a crusade to be validated and it didn't work out the way you wanted it to and you have your feelings hurt. Man up.

    15. Oh quit whining Chery. If Professor Brown was offended she would have banned me from posting on this thread long ago. We may have had our differences but the interactions between Professor Brown and I have for the most part been in a courteous good natured spirit. The only one crying is you my dear. Perhaps you'd be better off joining the simps/sycophants at the Teddy Spaghetti blog where no dissent is tolerated? I think you'd fit in very well there.......

    16. PS,
      Teddy Spaghetti sounds delicious 😋. Actually, nevermind. My pinifore is still in the laundry (Shhh! Don't tell anyone, but I had a mishap with 3 bears)🤭. But yeah, your convo is so curteous that you told Rachel she was evading and creating a strawman, was apathetic, promoting bs, and on a ship that sailed long ago.

      Look at what you said to KC. You lit into her like a banchee.

      Do you want your $5.00 back from Censored, is that why you're pissed?

  14. I love the smell of concern trolling in the evening.

    1. PS could use one, too! A cold one!

    2. Is this how you address all critical content Professor Brown? Evade, Evade Evade? I guess your attentive listening to Owen is paying dividends right? Maybe you should get back to listening to Milo More? He at least has a great sense of wittiness......


      FB: [Releases comments on blog post so that readers can see]


      FB: [Releases comments on blog so that readers can see]

    4. Ouch. You got me there Professor Brown.......Did you pick up that Strawman from Owen's channel? What comeback will you have next? May I suggest the Teddy Spaghetti Gamma pun?

    5. God has all of eternity. You are clearly on a shorter timetable.

    6. It seems religious discussions have an edge to them these days.


    7. Isn’t it glorious?! People WANT theology!

  15. PS, confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He raised Himself from the dead.

  16. The walls of text are a reliable sign of mental illness.

  17. Now that the "Guns of April" have yielded a bit to the rituals of May Day, I am left wondering why so many theology discussions devolve into bad language and less than Sunday School manners. I'm over 70 and am no prude but it is very odd to me. Well thought out positions can convince more than angry four letter words and gentlemanly, might I say chivalrous, conduct can round out the effort.

    Maybe it's me after all this but the Trinity and The Books deserve better. Then again, maybe I don't do theology very well.


    1. Perhaps, but not everyone is 'there' yet. I'd rather someone swear at me than hide their discomfort/disagreement behind civility. At least swearing is honest. I can work with honesty. Express who you are. If you are a genuinely civil person, then be civil. But if you are a firebrand, then please don't.

    2. I don't know. Swearing is bluster and placeholding when it might be better to remain schtum. Honest bluster is no match for reconsideration of one's point which just might be presented with a few simple words, calmly.


    3. Robert, What's the difference between me calling someone a b**** and Christ calling someone a fox? Same animal group. Earlier I compared PS to Satan. He got offended, but Christ compared Peter to Satan. If it is done in angry, yes! I agree with you. But what if it's not?

  18. Rachel, it's been a while. Are you still among us?

    1. Have you been watching my Tolkien videos?! New episodes have been posting every week!

    2. Whitewall, The Professor also has a Telegram channel and chat if you're interested.
      A list of where to find her:
      She is also on Gab.

    3. Whitewall, I completely forgot! Lol. You can find her on Facebook too. She posts regularly--great content. Some of the best on FB.


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