Centrism Games: A Modern Dunciad

DCR Books, in conjunction with the poets of the Dragon Common Room, is proud to announce the publication of its first full-length poem! 

Hello? Is this thing on? It’s time to sing!
Beneath the Arch, let heartfelt praises ring!
Forsake us not, o mild and moderate goddess!
With fair and balanced rhymes we beg your largesse.
Help us narrate the story of your knights
and how they braved the un-forbidding heights.
We sing with measured tones, not high nor low,
our tolerance and fairness to extol.

Chivalry is dead. These Knights want Fame. And Fama’s a witch. Follow a band of very different Knights on their quest to become the most balanced, the most tolerant, the most compromising of everyone on the modern political spectrum.

Each Knight dares to liberalize and conserve, but who will win the ultimate prize and stay safely in the center? A cautionary tale modeled on Alexander Pope’s scathing eighteenth-century Dunciad.


You know the backstory. Now read the book!
Available in ebook and paperback from all good booksellers, including Barnes & Noble and Amazon.


  1. I noticed on Campus Reform blog that Univ. Chicago students are taking a stand against the mob. Good news!



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