Join the Stream

“Where shall I begin?”

Asked the White Rabbit. “Begin at the beginning,” said the King, gravely. “And go on until you come to the end; then stop.”

At which the White Rabbit read a poem.

My friend Kilts Khalfan and I have a new livestream. Kilts and I have been friends for just over three years now. We have never met in person, only via the Internet. 

She lives in Australia. I live in Chicago. She lives in the future, I live on Central Time. Our livestreams happen Wednesdays at 9pmCT, when she is in the future on Thursday at noon.

This is important information, if you want to join the stream. 

“Learn to scan!”

You may recognize her name, if you have been reading our poetry. Kilts is one of the O.G. drakes of the Dragon Common Room, where we have been honing our skills in iambic pentameter over the past two years.

To date, we have published two booksCentrism Games and Aurora Bearialis—both in iambic pentameter, the former in heroic couplets, the latter in ottava rima. 

We would be happy to talk with you about why we are writing poems in iambic pentameter—if you join the stream.

We are also eager to talk with you about Mary and Christ.

“Why poetry? Why Christianity? Why the Dragon Common Room?”

It has something to do with pigeons. And a mosaic. And Marshall McLuhan. Whose works, I now realize, I have been surfing since I was an undergraduate learning to read the New Testament as narrative.

It also has something to do with James Joyce, whose Finnegans Wake I have only begun to read this summer, but within which my brother has been swimming for almost as long as I have been writing about Mary.

“riverrun, past Eve and Adam’s, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.”

Can you hear the thunder?

I have had an exciting month designing our set in OBS. Choosing backgrounds and learning about transforms and audio filters. Going live on so many times that our Supreme Dark Lord got worried about me.

“I’m just pointing out that you just got your ability to stream not that long ago, and now you’re streaming more than Owen,” Vox said one night on his Darkstream. “I don’t think that’s necessarily sustainable... We care about you. We want what’s best for you, and we just want to make sure that your streaming is under control.”

“I can stop anytime. Just watch me. Stream. This evening!”

Okay, okay. I may have gotten a little carried the Ark. And the Flood. And the quest for the right intro music.

Not to mention learning how to stream simultaneously on both ( and Telegram ( 

Did I mention we go live on WEDNESDAYS at 9pmCT?! 

And, yes, the videos will be posted afterwards, both on my Logos and History channel at and on my Fencing Bear at Prayer YouTube channel, on the Mosaic Ark playlist

There is also an episode guide with blurbs and links on our Dragon Common Room website:

Thus far we have recorded episodes on the Grammar of the Internet, the Lord as revealed through the prophecy of Habacuc (UATV exclusive—we were testing the tech!), the Virgin Mary as the Ark of the Lord, Christ as Lover-Knight and the Chivalry of Salvation. And, of course, on the rosary as a potent weapon against the lies of the Internet, a.k.a. Satan.

I have figured out how to show images, websites, and the chat at UATV. 

We have paged through the manuscript of Princess Cunigunde of Bohemia in quest of the lover-knight, and we have marveled at the beauty of Veit Stoss’s hanging rosary

We have read the opening of Finnegans Wake into the stream, and we have found ourselves returning by a “commodius vicus of recirculation” back to the work that I have done on Mary in my scholarship

We are still working on interacting fully with the chat, which is why we need YOU—to help us learn to stream like gamers, or, rather, like the pigeon whom Noah sent out from the Ark as we surf the Flood of the Internet in quest of pieces of the mosaic. 

As we ride the river, as it were. Into the stream.

Come, join us! In return, we promise to share with you what we have learned from following the pigeon of our poetry out from the ark of the Dragon Common Room into the flood of the Internet and back again to the Ark in whom our Lord became incarnate

There will be dragons.

Will you join the stream?!


Rachel Fulton Brown

Kilts Khalfan

A DCR Production

Livestream on Wednesdays at 9pmCT on ( and Telegram (

Episode guide and video links at


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