Brief Regular Sessions

Writing, in 45-minute intervals.
Goal, per diem: min. 1; max. 5.

November 26 2 Worked on draft of VM and the Art of Prayer, chapter 3.
November 27 2 Worked on draft of VM and the Art of Prayer, chapter 3.
November 28 1 1/2 Worked on draft of VM and the Art of Prayer, chapter 3.
November 29 3 Worked on draft of VM and the Art of Prayer, chapter 3.

December 3 4 Worked on draft of VM and the Art of Prayer, chapter 3.
December 4 2 1/2 Worked on draft of VM and the Art of Prayer, chapter 3.
December 5 4 Worked on draft of VM and the Art of Prayer, chapter 3.
December 6 2 Worked on draft of VM and the Art of Prayer, chapter 3. Total words to date: 9245 (including introduction drafted in July 2009, section from book review written August 2012, and outline). Words drafted in the past two weeks: 4105. Not bad, not bad!

December 10 4 Worked on draft of VM and the Art of Prayer, chapter 3. Word count to date: 9004 (excluding outline).
December 11 3 Worked on draft of VM and the Art of Prayer, chapter 3. Word count to date: 9634.
December 12 4 Worked on draft of VM and the Art of Prayer, chapter 3. Word count to date: 10657.
December 13 2+ Worked on draft of VM and the Art of Prayer, chapter 3. Word count to date: 11203.
December 14 4 Worked on draft of VM and the Art of Prayer, chapter 3. Word count to date: 12493.

December 17 4+ Worked on draft of VM and the Art of Prayer, chapter 3. Word count to date: 13521.
December 18 2+ (this is not good--it means I am having a hard time stopping at the end of each interval) Worked on draft of VM and the Art of Prayer, chapter 3. Word count to date: 14174.
December 19 4+ (still having trouble stopping!) Worked on draft of VM and the Art of Prayer, chapter 3. Word count to date: 15612.
December 20 4+ (sigh, not great at letting go this week!) Worked on draft of VM and the Art of Prayer, chapter 3. Word count to date: 16785.
December 21 4+ (yup, pretty much ignoring the bell) Worked on draft of VM and the Art of Prayer, chapter 3. Word count to date: 17675. Words drafted this week: 5182. Wow.

December 24 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 3. Word count to date: 18754.
December 26 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 3. Word count to date: 19776.
December 27 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 3. Word count to date: 21007.
December 28 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 3. Word count to date: 22780 (lots of quotations today, but still wrote about 1000 words). Words drafted this week: 5105.

December 31 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Word count to date: 24423.

January 1 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Finished section "Astitit regina".  Word count to date: 25514. 
January 2 3+ (but actually more like 4+; I really didn't stop with the timer after no. 3)  Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Word count to date: 26569. 
January 3 2++ (Not entirely sure, but something like three or fours at the keyboard)  Worked on draft of chapter 3 (yes, it's getting a bit long, but I am working on a new section now).  Word count to date: 27143.  Words drafted this week: 4363 (it's going to be slower at first while I get my bearings on this new section). 

January 8 2 Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Working now on second section, for which I have started a new file.  Word count from first section: 25082.  Word count to date in second section: 1985.  Words today: 417. 
January 10 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Word count to date: 2952. 
January 11 4+  Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Word count to date: 4235.  Words drafted this week: 2757. 

January 14 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Word count to date: 5712. 
January 15 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Word count to date: 6583. 
January 16 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Word count to date: 7956.
January 17 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Word count to date: 8869.
January 18 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Word count to date: 10265.  Words drafted this week: 6030.

January 21 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Word count to date: 11533.
January 22 2 1/2 Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Word count to date: 12552.
January 23 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Finished section on Matins!  Word count to date: 14067.  Words drafted this week: 3802.  Now for something completely different...well, not entirely.
January 24 4+ Wrote abstract for festschrift article.  Brainstormed about psalms, looked for bibliography, thought about graduate course on psalms.
January 25 4+ Took notes on Cassiodorus and Augustine on the psalms.

January 28 4+ Took notes on Augustine on the psalms.
January 29 4 Figured out the structure of the psalmody for the Marian day hours.  Word count to date: 14552.
January 30 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Word count to date: 15532.
January 31 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Word count to date: 16578.
February 1 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Word count to date: 17519.  Words drafted this week: 3452.

February 4 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Word count to date: 19100.
February 5 3 Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Word count to date: 19951.
February 6 4++ (an intense session today) Worked on draft of chapter 3, made difficult decision how to limit the discussion of the psalms for the day hours.  Word count to date: 21175.
February 7 4 Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Word count to date: 22386.
February 8 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Word count to date: 23621.  Words drafted this week: 6102.  No wonder I've been so tired this week!

February 11 3++ (I lost track of my timer, not the most focused day)  Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Word count to date: 24624. 
February 12 4 Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Word count to date: 25871. 
February 13 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Word count to date: 27606.  Yes, it's getting a bit long, but we're already to Vespers. 
February 14 3+tears Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Got rejection for proposal for translation.  Word count to date: 29096.  Words drafted this week: 5475.

February 18 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Word count to date: 30405. 
February 19 2+ Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Word count to date: 31026.
February 20 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Word count to date: 32015. 
February 21 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Word count to date: 33458. 
February 22 2+ Worked on draft of chapter 3.  Finished section "Qui creavit"!  Word count to date: 34124.  Words drafted this week: 5028.  FINISHED DRAFT OF CHAPTER 3. 

February 25 4 or thereabouts Printed out draft thus far, started thinking about what to read for next chapter.
February 26 4+ Started reading Richard of St. Laurent, De laudibus beatae Mariae virginis. 
February 27 4+  Reading Richard, De laudibus.  Thinking about chapters 4 and 5. 
February 28 4+  Reading Richard, De laudibus.
March 1 4+  Reading Richard, De laudibus.  Up to p. 207 (out of 841). 

March 4 4+  Reading Richard, De laudibus. 
March 5 4+  Reading Richard, De laudibus.
March 6 4+  Reading Richard, De laudibus. 
March 7 4+  Reading Richard, De laudibus.  Up to p. 410. 

March 11 4+ Reading Richard, De laudibus.
March 12 4+ Reading Richard, De laudibus. 
March 13 5  Reading Richard, De laudibus.  Up to p. 565. 

March 18 5 Reading Richard, De laudibus. 
March 19 3 Reading Richard, De laudibus.
March 20 5 Reading Richard, De laudibus. 
March 21 5 Reading Richard, De laudibus.  Going slightly nutty.... 
March 22 4 1/2 Reading Richard, De laudibus.  Up to p. 786. 

March 25 4 Reading Richard, De laudibus.  Ave Maria! 
March 26 2+ Reading Richard, De laudibus.  FINISHED! 
March 27 4 Read article on Richard (in German).  Read a bit of Ovid, Metamorphoses.
March 28 2 Practiced translating Ovid, Metamorphoses.  Need to get a better sense of John of Garland's models. 
March 29 2 More Ovid practice. 

April 1 4 Still more Ovid practice.  Time to get back on the horse. 
April 2 4 Screwed my courage to the sticking post and looked over the comments on my translation.
April 3 4 Continued working through comments.

April 8 4 Started working on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 882. 
April 9 5+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 2415. 
April 10 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 3483. 
April 11 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 4345. 
April 12 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 5120. 

April 15 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 6103. 
April 16 2 Pre-writing for next section of chapter 4. 
April 17 4 (or thereabouts, I forgot the timer after 3) Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 7120. 
April 18 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 8315. 
April 19 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 9654.  Words drafted this week: 4534. 

April 22 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 10741. 
April 23 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 12260. 
April 24 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 13810. 
April 25 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 15179. 
April 26 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 16462.  Words drafted this week: 6808.  Rocking Richard!   

April 29 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 18281. 
April 30 2+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 19310. 
May 1 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 21268. 
May 2 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 22807. 
May 3 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 24334.  Words drafted this week: 7872.  And still more Richard yet to come!  Glad March was worth it. 

May 6 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 25767. 
May 7 2+++ (I really ignored the timer today.)  Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 26954. 
May 8 3++ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 28499. 
May 9 3++ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 29601.
May 10 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 30922.  Words drafted this week: 6588.  Almost done with Richard...

May 13 2+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 31912.  FINISHED DISCUSSION OF RICHARD!  Time for a break.... 
May 16 4 Worked on translation of John of Garland, Epithalamium book 1.
May 17 3 Worked on translation of John of Garland, book 1.

May 20 4 Worked on text and notes to translation of John of Garland, book 1.
May 21 2 Worked on notes to translation of John of Garland, book 1.
May 22 2+ Worked on proposal for translation.
May 23 3+ Started reading Conrad of Saxony, Speculum b.M.v.
May 24 4++  Reading Conrad, Speculum. 

May 27 4+ Reading Conrad, Speculum.
May 28 2+ Reading pseudo-Albert, Mariale.
May 29 5+ Reading pseudo-Albert, Mariale.
May 30 3+ Reading pseudo-Albert, Mariale.  Off the timer all week: reading stories about miracles of the Virgin.  Nearly ready to start writing again.... 

June 3 4+ (although I forgot to set the timer for the second two) Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date on this section: 1241. 
June 4 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 2695. 
June 5 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 4265. 
June 6 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 5793.   Started coming down with flu...
June 7 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 7535. 

June 10 5+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 8997. 
June 11 2+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 9680. 
June 12 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 11044. 
June 13 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 12536. 
June 14 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 14115.  Words drafted this week (by a minor miracle, given how terrible I felt): 6580. 

June 17 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 15701. 
June 18 2+ Worked on draft of chapter 4.  Word count to date: 16601.  FINISHED DRAFT OF CHAPTER 4!
June 19 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 846.
June 20 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 2438.
June 21 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 4250.  Words drafted this week: 6736.

June 24 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 5580.
June 25 2+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 5763.
June 26 3++ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 6704.  Finished introduction--the argument is in place!
June 27 3++ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 8160. 
June 28 5+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 9982.  Words drafted this week: 5732.

July 8 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 11798.
July 9 4++ (Had a hard time stopping this afternoon, must watch that!)  Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 13271.
July 10 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 14721.
July 11 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 15918.
July 12 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 17390.  Words drafted this week: 7408 (better than I thought, given how difficult this section has been to write!)

July 15 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Finished first of two main sections.  Word count to date: 19050 (although honesty compels me to note that some of those words are pasted from a blog post I did four years ago when I was first starting on this project and didn't quite know how I might use the material--120,000 or so words later, I figured it out!)
July 16 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 20441.
July 17 3++ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 21075.  Transitioning to next section...
July 18 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 22573. 
July 19 5+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 23879.  Words drafted this week: 6489. 

July 22 5+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 25570. 
July 23 2+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 26236. 
July 24 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 27946. 
July 25 5+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 29920. 
July 26 5+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 31512.  Words drafted this week: 7633.  This chapter is going to be somewhat longer than I planned, surprise surprise.... 

July 29 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 32768. 
July 30 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 34525. 
July 31 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 36263. 
August 1 5+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 37739. 
August 2 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 39151.  Words drafted this week: 7639.

August 5 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 40951.
August 6 2+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 42056.
August 7 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 43700.  Words drafted this week: 4549.  Time for a proper vacation!

August 26 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 45097. 
August 27 2+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 45902. 
August 28 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 46957. 
August 29 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 48514. 
August 30 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 49841.  Words drafted this week: 6141. 

September 2 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 51248.   
September 3 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 52628. 
September 4 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 54365. 
September 5 5+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 55773. 
September 6 4+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 57313.  Words drafted this week: 7472.  Almost there... 

September 9 2+ Worked on draft of chapter 5.  Word count to date: 58010.  FINISHED DRAFT OF CHAPTER 5!  I think I may faint... 

September 17 4+ Worked on draft of epilogue.  Word count to date: 1257.
September 18 4 1/2 Worked on draft of epilogue.  Word count to date: 2443. 
September 19 4+ Worked on draft of epilogue.  Word count to date: 4579. 
September 20 5++ Worked on draft of epilogue.  Word count to date: 5958.  Only a week before term starts!  Must finish this soon--it was supposed to be short! 

September 23 4++ Worked on draft of epilogue.  Word count to date: 7782.  This is not a chapter, this is not a chapter... 
September 24 2+ Worked on draft of epilogue.  Word count to date: 8868.  Okay, I really do need to start getting ready for term. 

October 1 2+ Worked on draft of epilogue.  Word count to date: 9635. 
October 3 4+ Worked on draft of epilogue.  Word count to date: 10991.  FINISHED DRAFT OF EPILOGUE! 

October 8 2+ Worked on draft of introduction.  Word count to date: 496. 
October 10 3++ Worked on draft of introduction.  Word count to date: 1489. 

October 15 2++ Worked on draft of introduction.  Word count to date: 2243. 
October 17 2 Worked on draft of introduction.  Word count to date: 2625.  Sigh.  Gone are the days of  6,000 or more words a week.  Still, 2625 is better than none. 
October 18 2 Worked on draft of introduction.  Word count to date: 3228.  Words drafted this week: 1739. 

October 22 2+ Worked on draft of introduction.  Word count to date: 4015. 
October 24 2++ Worked on draft of introduction.  Word count to date: 4975.  FINISHED DRAFT OF INTRODUCTION!  Ladies and gentleman, I have a book! Now all it needs is footnotes, bibliography, appendices, and, oh, yes, a publisher....

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