Fifth Day of Xmas

On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...

five 5-star reviews,

four pairs of shades,

three seals of love,

two friends-in-arms,

and a Fencing Bear in a MILO tree.

Medieval historian Rachel Fulton Brown receives rave course reviews for her classes on Christianity in the Middle Ages, but has also attracted the attention of national news outlets for controversial blog posts praising her friend Milo Yiannopoulos, an alt-right commentator. Yiannopoulos, a former editor with right-wing outlet Breitbart News, wrote articles with incendiary headlines like “Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy.” Brown has seemed to delight in the shock Yiannopoulos provokes, recently publishing a blog post detailing “The Art of the Virtuous Troll.”
—“Who’s Who: Professors Iconic, Beloved, and Infamous,” The Chicago Maroon, September 22, 2019
Read the Amazon reviews! Buy Milo Chronicles! You can get it on Amazon or direct from the publisher at Castalia House. For the story behind the photo published in The Chicago Maroon, visit Three Kraters Symposium! Milo was our guest!

For my continuing adventures with Milo, see The MILO Chronicles


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