What This Woman Wants
I want to be able to wear pink, lace, lipstick and/or high heels if I feel like it. But I do not want to feel like it is either wrong or obligatory to wear pink, lace, lipstick or high heels simply because I am a woman. I do not want to be fat and/or out of shape. But I do not want to feel like I need to be rail thin and/or perfectly sculpted in order to be beautiful. I want to be paid the same amount as the men who do the same level of work that I do. But I do not want to be expected to do the work in exactly the same way if I feel that there is a more appropriate way for me to approach the problem. I want to enjoy watching "chick flicks" and reading Shopaholic if I am in the mood. But I do not want to be expected to like something simply because it is written by and/or about other women. I want to feel free to wear a veil over my hair if it is cold outside or the scarf goes with my outfit or it feels appropriate in context, e.g. a mosque or a church. But I do not want...