One-Talent Wonder

You all know the parable ( Matthew 25:14-30 ). There's this man, see, who was going on a journey, but before he left, he called three of his servants to him and entrusted them with his goods. "And to one he gave five talents, and to another two, and to another one, to every one according to his proper ability: and immediately he took his journey." While he was away, the servant to whom he gave five talents used the money in trade and raised five more talents; and the servant to whom he gave two talents did likewise, raising two. But the third took his one talent and buried it in the earth. Guess who gets the kudos when the master returns? Not the one who buried his talent to keep it safe, oh, no! Rather, the other two who took the lord's money and made more of it. And so the master took the one talent from the servant who buried it and gave it to the servant who had doubled his five, so that the one who had had five talents now had eleven,...