First Day of Xmas

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...

a Fencing Bear in a MILO tree!

You won’t want to miss getting your own copies—one for yourself, many for fellow Milophiles, not to mention the SJWs in your life! 

Milo Chronicles: Devotions 2016-2019 is now on sale through Amazon or direct from the publisher at Castalia House. You can watch Milo and me talk about all my books on Friday Night’s All Right, with subscription at or on Milo’s YouTube channel.

For my continuing adventures with Milo, see the Milo Chronicles.


  1. I've enjoyed following you and your writing on your blog and on twitter for a while. I recently deleted my twitter account as the environment was just too toxic and distracting. And I'm trying to get into a masters program so I needed to focus on that (which I should be doing right now). I spotted your days of Christmas posts and your Fencing Bear. I'd love to have my own Fencing Bear but those don't appear to be available in your store. If you make those available, I'd love to get one. You can respond back at my regular email as I may not see a reply posted here: ssm0use AT gmail DOT com. Thanks.


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