Q and A

Please leave any questions about fencing and prayer that you would like Fencing Bear to try to answer in the comments to this page. Answers will appear as blog posts under the label "QandA."

Much as I hate to admit it, I have now been studying both fencing and prayer for a fair number of years, over eight in the case of fencing, more than two decades in the case of the history of Christian devotion and prayer. I am by no means an expert in the practice of either, but one of the hopes that I had in starting this blog was that others might find it valuable to hear about learning to fence and to pray from the perspective of a still struggling beginner. As a teacher, I am also aware of how much I depend on my students to help me in my own learning process. While I cannot promise to answer every question that you might have about fencing or prayer, I am eager to learn what questions you do have and to do my best to offer what advice I can.


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